Monday 19 August 2013

School reopens

Today is Monday Blue for Malaysian students 
Yeap. Because school reopens !
but not for me because I was absence, 3 + 2 periods of the same subjects = free, 2 lessons = meaningless teaching and 1 lesson = lazy teacher which mean only 1 subject 2 periods and stay at school for whole morning? Darn. 
Just wanna spend more time to take care mum, too. and it seems like school has become more and more boring meaningless. Grh. 
The longest holiday has come to the end and the next holiday comes up after the final exam which is on November, NAW.
Time flies, sigh.

Been enjoying the first week of holiday well and been really busy during the second week
Thanks that mum's operation goes smoothly and hopefully there're no negative side effects. Kept praying. Thanks Buddha.
And tryna appreciate everything I have.

happens among the students is that there's always last minute works.
Have TOTALLY no idea to do the damn assignment that has to hand in. Homeworks that I dont know how to do as if I haven start any lesson  (OHMY)
And im still here blogging.
Bleh, talking craps and dont know what should I say and do.

July and August are bad months for me, lots of things happen, and learnt new thing, changed in some 'perspective'.
Hopefully September will be a better month.

Gotta study my UBS for temubual tomorrow, blank mind, rusty brain. 


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