Tuesday 13 August 2013

How to add snow effect on blogger cursor area

 Rojak languages started, tsktsk, to provide people who like to read either one of each, basic simple broken ones, can read lah horhhh.

我有个怪癖, 那就是每次到部落格或者一些网站鼠标有雪花掉下来的effect就一直在那里滑上滑下
I have a weird habit, that's whenever I go to any blog/website that has the snow effect on the cursor then I'll keep playing on it, sliding the cursor around randomly on the screen and see the effect

It's a pretty stuff that I guess most of girls would like it.
Im gonna share the link and a lil tutorial in this post.

Alot of different kinds of snow effects on cursor, pretty isnt it ?
The dark color gives a mysterious feel while the lighter ones give a blinkblink feel.

Visit the page here << 请点击

Choose the type you want, Generate, Copy Code.
选择你想要的样式, 再按 "generate" 然后 "copy code"

Go to your blog > Layout > Add Gadget > Add html/javascipt > Paste the Code

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