Tuesday 13 August 2013


I've signed up to ChurpChurp.
Some of you might seen this before, now what's this ?
Take a look of what it says:
Churp Churp is a community for people who live and breathe social media, just like you! Here are some of the things you can do at Churp Churp:
- Get cash rewards for sharing brand messages.
- Discover what people are reading or watching on the Internet.
- Be part of an awesome community and meet like-minded friends.

If you love sharing with your friends on the latest happenings, trends and brands that you like and love, then Churp Churp is definitely for you. Hop on board, and we'll make sure you never miss out on any updates; besides campaign updates and cool stories, there are always upcoming contests and events we hold exclusively for the Churp Churp community! Awesome, yes?
 Yes, you gain RM 0.20 per unique click or RM 0.40 per unique click. It seems like a small amount, but  积少成多 ma, you can earn up to RM100 then cashout for youuuuu !
You may SIGN UP here 
Remember to fill in your real details (for cash out) 
Share on your Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Tumblr, etc.. No worries, you can choose whether to auto-share on your twitter or not 
 Start earninggg ~

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